Political News and Commentary


[9/27/97] Here's a country that makes no bones about its revolutionary, totalitarian and communist nature-- it's the Peoples' Republic, remember-- and while we prefer to embargo the living daylights out of little Cuba, we've been giving China red-carpet "Most-Favored-Nation" economic status. This is in spite of the fact that officially we consider their human rights policies so awful that the Chinese can gain emmigration status (and the accompanying tax subsidies from you and me) because the government of China allows strictly only one child per family, and if a Chinese wants more than that, he/she/they get in to the USA on the basis that they are victims of "inhuman" persecution.

It's bad enough that over the last couple of years everything on the shelves at K-Mart and WalMart seem to now come from China-- even what used to be big reliable American brand names (like Coleman as in lanterns and camping stuff)-- surely we can make some of this stuff at competitive prices, although no doubt the owners' profits might not be so huge....

I just read what purports to be a letter from two of our congress-people to Attorney General Janet Reno, detailing what we've been sending these freindly totalitarian hordes-- no doubt because the bottom line with the USA these days is to open up "new markets"-- but much of this stuff heading their way is frightening when you consider who it's going to. I guess they have money (will Clinton ever be forced to tell?) and little Cuba doesn't.

Read the letter from Ms. Fowler & Mr. Hyde to Attorney General Reno and decide for yourself.


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